Перевод: sanctimonious
[прилагательное] ханжеский; лицемерный
- "I can just see him looking down that long nose of his and saying in that sanctimonious voice: "there's something you ought to know, Mr O'Shea"
- London, centre of Mr Honeythunder's sanctimonious activities.
- "I've listened to you and your sanctimonious blabberings for the last time!
- Sir: Terry Coleman's sanctimonious report on the latest United Nations General Assembly (30 September) gives a pretty distorted view of proceedings in New York.
- "I wonder what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first?"
- There was considerable pressure for actions against them from a sanctimonious middle class, some of whose members held extraordinary delusions.
- You see, sir" the note became sanctimonious as well as desperate, "
- Sanctimonious fool!
- He arrived at his desk, squinted at the offering tucked into his blotter and sat down to read it properly: a short, sanctimonious newspaper piece on the temptation and pressures on the successful young, Tristram Wilson being mentioned, with many a crocodile tear, as one of the recent casualties.
- I wonder what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first for the first time in his life?
- Best of all is a series of self-mocking ballads to himself, The Eight Voyages of Sanctimonious Bones, whose multi-rhyming stanzas seem inexhaustible: "O take your soul, like a goldfish bowl and place it on your head, Then think not of loss but intrepidly cross the dangerous road," it said.
- sanctimonious self-righteous people, from the name given to an extremist religious sect among the Jews at the time of Christ who seemed more concerned with forms and outward observances prescribed by the Law of Moses than with any inward and spiritual meaning.
- The comic dimension of a line like "Caroline and I went to Lockets for the husbands" and wives' left-wing dinner' will have passed him by; he is as earnest as he is sanctimonious.