Перевод: sawing
[существительное] распиловка ; пилка
- He began with lipstick tubes, which were too light, and then moved on to sawing the ends off motorcycle handlebars.
- These latter are equipped with sharp joints above the suckers and are used in a "sawing" motion to cut through the shin.
- It would be too big and noisy and the teachers would hear him sawing during the night.
- An elderly man was kneeling on the pavement, sawing a slice from the bottom of his front door, to prevent it from jamming.
- Through his glass James Flemyng observed a fine exhibition of model workmen sawing and hammering industriously at his great new masterwork.
- It can be released through physical action such as sawing logs, by stamping one's foot onto the accelerator and driving like a maniac or simply by smashing a plate.
- The company introduced the bate sawing of Westmorland green roofing slate 18 months ago to improve the utilisation of non-riven green rock.
- It was the photographic equivalent of sawing a lady in half, except the photographer was also the lady.
- One might not expect sawing a Renault 5 in half to constitute part of an electronics research project, but that's what they call it at sub-basement level, below the Strand.
- Chopping wood, making bonfires, sawing logs, collecting acorns, eyeing the strawberries while patrolling up and down with his special secateurs, he appeared to one neighbour "like a magic gardener in a fairy story".
- After hours of banging, sawing and screwing things together he felt exhausted.
- Anything, Richard thought, would be better than sawing half a man's chest away.
- It was hard to concentrate on google-eyed creatures when musicians were animatedly sawing fiddles, caressing accordions, flailing guitars and blowing down flutes.