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Перевод: scream speek scream

пронзительный крик; вопль ; визг ; резкий звук; клекот ; умора ; что-либо забавное;
пронзительно кричать; вопить; орать; взвизгивать; вскрикнуть; вскрикивать; реветь; зареветь; клекотать


  1. "I mean, we've never heard him DJing, we just really liked the stuff he'd done with Primal Scream, and as for Fluke, well, we'd heard a lot of really good things about them - plus they're signed to Creation."
  2. As infants they cry or scream, as toddlers they whine or have tantrums, as older children or teenagers they learn to quarrel, argue, sulk and make hurtful remarks.
  3. Reading was and is one of his absorbing pleasures and on the bookshelves in the winter of 1971 and 1972 were: The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp , Shakespeare, Jules Feiffer's Harry the Rat with Women , The Primal Scream , a selection of Hermann Hesse, Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation and The Group Sex Tapes .
  4. Teenage girls actually scream at Newman.
  5. Nathan, who had emerged from the room behind, took in the situation at a glance and, with a blood-curdling scream, threw himself at Lennon.
  6. He had figured from her stories that she had a more passionate temperament and had hoped she'd shout and scream at his wife.
  7. For every supporter who becomes alienated, there is another who is moved by The Silent Scream.
  8. They were followed by Dancer in dark glasses and black leather, Twinkle and Paulie, each with an Alsatian, and finally - Perdita gave a scream of delight - by Ricky with Little Chef in his arms.
  9. Part of him was coldly aware of the bulge in Doyle's pocket - the gun which had made sure he would not scream and beg for help.
  10. Luke began to scream then - screaming out names; screaming for him to stop, but Gallagher did not hear.
  11. It is 1900 hours when the peace of the evening is broken by the cough of the Challenger engine being fired into life by its starter motors, soon followed by the roar of the twenty-six-litre engine and the scream of the twin turbos.
  12. If a car does approach you and you are threatened - scream as loud as you can and run in the opposite direction.
  13. That it had made contact was evident, for Sister Mary let out a cry, a weird sound that was rather a yell not a scream.

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