Перевод: semitransparent
[прилагательное] полупрозрачный
- Fluorescent lights shone down on dull red rubbery floors, making a pinkish reflection on the walls, and at intervals the passages were interrupted by semitransparent plastic flapping doors, like valves in a vein.
- But how petty and unseemly are the semitransparent hints which keep appearing, like people spitting after a departing train, suggesting that this self-sacrificing collector was unscrupulous.
- A subfamily of the Ophiacanthidae with simple arm spine articulation surfaces on the lateral arm plates, not forming a comma-shaped surface; disk delicate, sack-like covered with small thin semitransparent scales; radial shields absent or internally concealed; jaws as broad as long often with numerous flattened distally projecting papillae arranged in two or more rows covering the surface of the jaw; arms noded, often standing vertically around the disk position found in preserved specimens; tentacle pores large open with up to five tentacle scales; arm spines often numerous varying in length.
- The best method of removing old finishes from wood that is to be re-finished with a transparent or semitransparent coating, is with a solvent paint and varnish remover.