Перевод: shift
[существительное] перемещение; перестановка ; перемена ; замена ; смена ; изменение; средство; передвижение; уловка ; хитрость ; способ ; рабочая смена; рабочие одной смены; сорочка ; женское платье-рубашка; переключение; чередование; косое смещение; сдвиг ; разгонка швов в кладке; [глагол] перемещать; передвигать; перекладывать; передвинуть; сдвигать; переводить; передавать; перемещаться; передвигаться; менять; меняться; устранять; ликвидировать; ухищряться; изворачиваться; уплетать; быстро есть; переключать; переключать скорости; спешить
- An increase in the rate of national income would shift the demand for labour curve to the right from D L to D L .
- Within days of the Utah press conference Representative Walker convinced some members of the US Congressional Energy Research and Development Committee to shift five million dollars away from hot fusion into test-tube fusion.
- This shift in emphasis is not limited to the developing countries.
- This shift in policy from universalism towards selectivism and area targeting was criticized as early is 1976 by Peter Townsend, who was quick to note its implications:
- He tells me: "Quite frankly after 10 years on shift work I'm looking forward to a bit of a break.
- A Christian authority on eastern religions, Patrick Sookhdeo said, "I have seen that whenever a person uses yoga, he makes a shift from a monotheistic view of God, to a pantheistic view (God identified with nature), and finally to a monistic view (God as an impersonal IT , without form, personality and essence).
- It was an interesting airport, the first one I had visited where, in order to get the planes to land and take off, they have to go and shift the seals off the runway.
- There seemed to have been a real shift from the closed systems of resource allocation that tended to exist before devolution, systems where a person, usually the head, made all the decision about capitation.
- It was inevitable that the shift of leadership from the PLO outside to UNLU should give rise to thoughts of a split in Palestinian ranks, between the "inside" and "outside".
- Come the end, the trio are hunched over their instruments, thrashing out "Mainly Mornings" and "Hammer" like men who are having a lot of bloody good fun, actually, and even a BO beast in a ZZ Top crew T-shirt is forced to shift his Neanderthal parameters into the 20th Century for a few minutes.
- This implies a dramatic shift in Moscow's non-committal stance on the Western allies' 1987 Berlin Initiative, which is expected to be the main subject of today's talks.
- Successful practice requires a thorough understanding of how a shift from practical to verbal consciousness occurs and may be facilitated.
- The popularity of Hollywood films made them the most obvious indicator of the general shift in world trade.