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Перевод: shrew speek shrew

сварливая женщина; строптивая женщина; мегера ; землеройка [зоол.]


  1. In 1967 he made a gross, slap-and-tickle version of "The Taming of the Shrew" with Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.
  2. shrew mandible from tawny owl assemblage showing perforation of the ascending ramus but no damage to the bar-like structure that supports it (10); J. enlargement of the same (38); K. advanced breakage of a shrew mandible from red kite assemblage leaving just the supporting structures of the ascending ramus (9); L. partial loss of ascending ramus of a shrew mandible from a little owl assemblage (8); M. mole mandible from red kite assemblage (8); N. shrew mandible from small-spotted genet assemblage (8).
  3. DON'T expect romantic comedy from Bill Alexander's production of The Taming of the Shrew at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon.
  4. The Taming of the Shrew , IV.
  5. A. rooted vole molar showing chipping of edges and pitting and flaking of the enamel surface (25); B. enlargement of same (45); C. tip of lower incisor showing chipping of edges of enamel and pitting and flaking of the enamel surface (20); D. enlargement of same (75); E. shrew mandible showing pitting of bone surface near the alveolar border and flaking of the enamel surface of the teeth (40); F. enlargement of the anterior tooth (165); G. shaft of limb bone showing pitting and flaking of the surface (12); H. enlargement of same (112).
  6. Some examples of small mammals: from top, mole ( Talpa europea ), rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ), common shrew ( Sorex araneus ), field mole ( Microtus agrestis ), unstriped grass mouse ( Arvicanthis niloticus ), hedgehog ( Erinaceus europaeus ).
  7. The European common shrew, found throughout Britain but not in Ireland, lives for less than a year.
  8. Tawny owls eat more or less equal quantities of many different prey types, whereas long-eared owls are vole and bird specialists, short-eared owls are mainly vole specialists, and barn owls are vole and shrew specialists.
  9. The effects of this on the bones is of some interest for comparison with the effects of gnawing of larger bone by larger predators (for example, see Bonnichsen, 1973; Sutcliffe, 1970; Hill, 1975, 1976; Binford, 1981; Haynes, 1980, 1983), for there is direct correspondence between, for instance hyaena gnawing on large antelope bones, wolf gnawing on smaller bovid bones, fox gnawing on small bovids and lagomorphs and shrew gnawing on rodent bones.
  10. It was a thought to ponder while reading about the short-nosed shrew and the harmlessness of the false chanterelle.
  11. Parts have included Lydia Langrish in Sheridan's The Rivals , Bianca in The Taming of the Shrew and Ophelia in Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead .

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