Перевод: shrink
[существительное] усадка ; сокращение в объеме; [глагол] садиться (о материи); давать усадку; сжиматься; ежиться; сморщиваться; сокращаться; сморщивать; сокращать; уплотнять; усыхать; отпрянуть; отступить; отшатнуться; уклоняться; избегать; закрывать окно; уменьшать размер окна
- The dearth of new commercial building projects means the stockpile - equivalent to 14 weeks sales for Ibstock - is not going to shrink in a hurry.
- Mr Baker was applauded when he said: "He did not shrink from doing what was right
- Sport Around The World: Heading a heavy football can shrink your brain
- Mr Martin predicts that plant capacity will shrink by 3% this year (compared with a fall of 8% in 1980).
- But colleges shrink ultimately from stopping a person doing what he is ardent to do and forcing him to do what he is bored to do.
- I'm not a bloody American, you know - rushing to a shrink is not my idea of a hobby or a good day out.
- Fast guys tire, a basketball coach once said of his own high-rise team, but big guys don't shrink.
- Although you can shrink a hall by various techniques, it is not ideal.
- Under the existing Gramm-Rudman law, the deficit is due to shrink to zero by 1993.
- We do not shrink from the real choices for our country.
- She had been lucky so far; she had not yet been caught, not yet been dragged off to some shrink and asked for explanations.
- The British aircraft industry was expected to shrink to only a fifth of its existing size, giving the USA an enormous head start.
- Furthermore, as more gaps appear so the hedges gradually shrink.