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  1. The outcomes of inadequate assessment in this area are evident, for example, in the learned helplessness of institutionalised routines, or the difficulties of transferring skills learned in a rehabilitative setting to a domestic setting.
  2. At the same time costumes were both spectacular and imaginative, representing the peak of the dress making and tailoring skills of their respective eras.
  3. Furthermore, it is now recognised that in learning language, children are doing far more than acquiring the rules of grammar and it may be that the key to the mastery of abstract grammatical rules lies in the socially mediated learning of functional language skills (Bruner 1983; Halliday 1975; Wells 1981).
  4. But his time was not wasted as his skills matured.
  5. At the other were old women and old men up and about, actively using old skills, adapting and developing new ones, able to play and to care and confide; still open to new love from the young.
  6. The almost weekly loss and gain of territory depended entirely on the skills of leadership and prevailing conditions.
  7. a leaflet about helping children with letter formation and early handwriting skills;
  8. Mentally handicapped adolescents are now able to continue their education beyond the school-leaving age to nineteen, and incorporate the essential social skills for independent living as adults wherever possible.
  9. Well-chosen case studies are a successful method for exploring interviewing skills simultaneously with information skills.
  10. In 1933 a scheme was launched for classes to be held for schoolboys during the autumn term under the management of the Corinthians, the amateur club, with Arsenal as sponsors and Chapman taking classes in basic skills, positional play and training.
  11. Like interviewees, interviewers can learn skills which mean they don't have to resort to overt status games (which the discriminating interviewee will sec through).
  12. Nevertheless to consider the National Curriculum as a list of subjects runs the danger of expressing it in a way which over-emphasises information and a narrow range of skills at the expense of the development of a full range of socially useful skills, attitudes and ideas, which is usually the concern of interested parents and can even be seen in a child's view of the purpose of education.
  13. In recent years the amateur actor has had more opportunity for classes in theatre work, including voice and movement training as well as performance and directing skills.

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