Перевод: slit
[существительное] щель ; прорезь ; разрез ; длинный разрез; трещина ; скважина ; [глагол] разрез`ать; делать разрез; разрез`ать в длину; нарез`ать узкими полосами; расщеплять; раскалывать; рваться
- All three drivers jumped down, each adjusting his muffler to make a narrow slit across his eyes.
- Soft brown slit eyes
- By the number of enemy dead lying about the fields and approaches to the village, the British attacks have finally forced them to move out, taking shelter in a slit trench during a German mortar attack, everyone keeping their heads down.
- She was wearing a blue costume with a slit skirt that opened when she crossed her legs.
- "Stick the hook in his gill slit Mary," he gasped, again going red in the face.
- It appeared that the slit trench he was in during the bombardment had received a direct hit.
- A tiny slit is then made in the affected tube with a laser, or a hot diathermy needle, and the embryo removed.
- "Dolphins with bellies slit open thrashed about whistling in distress as their entrails flopped on the concrete.
- "For Christ's sake, Piper, get into that slit trench and get your head down.
- The shelling had stopped now and it was certain that someone had been killed or wounded, maybe the chap in the next slit trench a few feet away.
- Delaney pulled the curtain across, covering Forster who cut a small slit in the opaque green plastic, widening it to give himself a better field of view.
- As the girl dances close to me I can smell her perfume and all that has gone before is completely forgotten; the slit trenches, the mosquitoes, the wounded and my dead comrades.
- That same evening, two hours later, he was killed by a German mortar bomb that had exploded directly on his slit trench.