Перевод: snapdragon
[существительное] львиный зев [бот.] ; рождественская игра, в которой хватают изюминки с блюда с горящим спиртом
- Revisit Portland Bill, Ross and Cromarty and all the other classic characters from the 1976 ITV series about a lighthouse and its keepers, now in a 50-minute video from Snapdragon.
- The plants which seemed to have died during the winter's cold - the snapdragon, the hibiscus and the frangipani - miraculously sprang back to life and back into bloom.
- Irises, poppies, caper and snapdragon coloured the verges below Judas and carob trees.
- Among the delphinium, the snapdragon, the hollyhock and the sweet-pea, on a blanket, by a basket, she will grant me a nostalgic caress - always followed, on Odilo's part, by hours of snivelling entreaty.