Перевод: sneer
[существительное] презрительная усмешка; насмешка ; глумление; [глагол] насмешливо улыбаться; усмехаться; насмехаться; глумиться
- Sneer though they might, a series of interviews with graduates of the Class of '55 at Ivy League colleges conducted by Time magazine showed the strong streak of conformity of the Fifties.
- From deep inside, a jeer, a sneer.
- My elder brother, one of the last O-level year, pretends to sneer at my GCSE passes, but I'm glad we didn't have to go through all the cramming and regurgitation of the old exams.
- The old lady's tone was a sneer in itself.
- John asked, lips drawn back in a sarcastic sneer.
- " The Scotsman ?" he would sneer.
- Many in the music business sneer at coverage in the regional press but Gedge has always encouraged it, especially in the Middleton paper where articles take on the role of a public letter home.
- Now, as he looked round the kitchen, he suddenly frowned and winced, putting on, but only for a second, what Jack called his surly Eastern European sneer.
- Tho' saucy Wits shou'd tell them with a Sneer,
- Alix flicked a sneer over her shoulder as she mounted the stairs, "Old hag!" she hissed.
- Their constituency was the silent majority of music paper readers that critics love to sneer at: students, ex-students, and those destined to be students (sixth formers and fifth formers).
- "Thanks for sticking up for me," he snapped at last, an unmistakable sneer in his tone.
- She was brought back to her mother's voice, as though enticing her, yet with a slight sneer in it now, saying, "It would give you an opportunity to wear some of those clothes you've been spending your money on lately."