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Перевод: snowstorm speek snowstorm

вьюга ; метель ; пурга ; буран


  1. Yellow Wolf slipped away during a snowstorm the following morning, after Joseph had told him, "You better go find your mother and my daughter.
  2. "They break the rules because Bawden cares less for rules than for the things he has to say about the feel of a summer morning, the watery sunshine of an April afternoon, or the flurry of a February snowstorm."
  3. Two hours later, as they were hauling in their lines, a light drizzling snowstorm of ash began to fall.
  4. After Ann and I abandoned our assault on Canisp, we visited Traligill, and when another snowstorm swept down the mountain, we scuttled to safety in a convenient cave.
  5. Fighting our way through a raging snowstorm, we arrived at the north end, by Costa Hill, and huddled in the car, astonished by the force of the blizzard.
  6. Drawn up and panting on the open track, Engine No.707 and coach 3113 looked black against the swirling snowstorm.
  7. She was a very nice girl named Eugena, I think, and there were guards at the end of the hotel corridors, I remember giving them the slip and wandering around Khabarovsk on my own in a snowstorm, only to be told the next day that there was quite a bit of excitement in the city during the night because a Siberian tiger had come into the city and was wandering the streets at the same time I was!
  8. Or maybe you have seen a crystal ball containing a tiny house which you can shake to produce a brilliant snowstorm?
  9. Ten days later, at eight-thirty in the morning of Wednesday, 22nd January, Robyn Penrose set off in a snowstorm and an ill humour to begin her stint as the University of Rummidge Faculty of Arts Industry Year Shadow, or URFAIYS as she was designated in memoranda emanating from the Vice-Chancellor's Office.
  10. Somehow among the chaos of coffee cups and a snowstorm of phonecalls and paper, she and Francis and a cheerfully unreliable string of volunteers threw together every month a gay arts magazine.
  11. Then I remember that time when the tent blew down in the snowstorm and his sleeping bag went in the slush.
  12. With its splashes of red standing out from the swirling whiteness of the snowstorm, this tableau combines the decorative and the dramatic in a manner reminiscent of the finest Japanese prints.
  13. A big crust on the surface when the sun is beating down will be taken with relish, and a tiny morsel of crumb on the bottom will often tempt a chub even in a snowstorm.

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