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Перевод: spare speek spare

запасной; запасный; резервный; лишний; скудный; незанятый; свободный; аварийный; скромный; худой; худощавый;
запасная часть; запасная шина; дубликат ; запасной игрок;
беречь; жалеть; экономить; обходиться без; уделять; уделить; щадить; избавлять; воздерживаться


  1. She had found a retired garda sergeant and his wife, whose family had grown and scattered, leaving them with a large house and room to spare.
  2. Until recently, it was regarded as vitally important that every worker should read the monthly updates and a spare copy was sent to each bureau.
  3. They did this to spare the city's civilians from artillery barrages.
  4. After dinner there was little spare time before I made my way to Sunday School, held in St. Martin's Boys" School.
  5. The site's owners, Hanson Plc, promised to preserve the site, to spare it from the two perennial dangers of the era - being covered by an office block or, worse, being renamed the Branagh theatre.
  6. On the other hand there will be a greater onus to shop around for the best home for whatever spare cash you may have.
  7. Further inflexibility is apparent in the lack of spare accommodation.
  8. Eventually he arrived, with minutes to spare, wearing a ridiculous sort of check hat.
  9. If you feel yourself tensing up, then spare a few moments to release that tension and see the difference it can make.
  10. With too much spare time suddenly on his hands, he reverted to a hobby enjoyed in his early non-League days with Frickley Athletic.
  11. It has been the starting-point for many a vintage Sherlock Holmes adventure - "London Bridge Station, cabby, and don't spare the horses".
  12. After re-decorating my kitchen I had a nearly new vegetable rack spare.
  13. Sobers bowled to Willis, was clumped back over his head for two then steered to third man for two, and England were home with three balls to spare.

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