Перевод: spray
[существительное] ветка ; побег [бот.] ; хворостина ; узор в виде веточки; брызги ; водяная пыль; жидкость для пульверизации; распылитель ; пульверизатор ; сноп разлета осколков; [глагол] обрызгивать; опрыскивать; распылять; разбрызгивать; пульверизировать; опылять
- It neatly sidesteps the whole process of undoing and pouring spray by allowing operators to puncture the cans and then let the spray be rinsed straight into the sprayer.
- Spring and summer, when the adult beetles are active, is the best time to spray.
- Burbling innocuously around the moorings, buoys, isolated pilings and crazily speeding windsurfers with the occasional whiff of avgas mixed with salt spray and hot oil, we towered over all the other waterway users - except the super-tankers bound for foul Fawley.
- Ian Woosnam came to Augusta National playing, in his own words, like a 24-handicapper, though those of us in that category just wish we could spray the ball similarly around the practice ground or putt it so waywardly.
- Spray was spuming up wildly from my rails in a way I had never seen before.
- As before, apply your freezing spray or a cold preparation and lift the ankle between bouts to help reduce swelling.
- The Christian World noted in 1882, "The great wave of Catholic sentiment which has been sweeping over the Established Church has sensibly cast its spray over the Nonconformist bodies of the country".
- There are products available that will remove the most stubborn of paint sprays and it's likely that the local Public Works Depot will have a graffiti removal squad that can be called into action to remove any offensive spray paint.
- If you've just bought suede shoes I suggest you spray them with suede guard to prevent them getting dirty.
- An alternative is to spray a pheromone, instead of an insecticide.
- Thrusting the helm right over, he held the catamaran's bows directly into the wind and, looking aft, saw the madly waving arms of the terrified men outlined against the wall of white spray.
- All surfaces should be clean and dry before applying masonry paint with a brush, roller or spray.
- In addition, an anti-static spray will be for sale to allow the customer to pull his or her fleecy top over the head without first removing the beard, in complete safety.