Перевод: teller
[существительное] рассказчик ; счетчик голосов; кассир
- Near the end of the second count a fight broke out at the Zuwaya goal because the teller, the secretary to the local Assembly and technically above suspicion, but also Maghrabi and therefore watched very carefully, claimed to have recorded 900 votes.
- But the reasoning of the leading scientific intellects of the age had nothing like so much effect as an obscure little Japanese fishing boat named the Lucky Dragon which was 85 miles from Bikini Atoll when Dr Teller's H-bomb went off.
- It took two years, until 1 November, 1952, to produce Teller's first thermo-nuclear explosion.
- But Teller, a large Hungarian with a leather foot (he had lost one under a tram as a student in Munich), felt betrayed.
- Unlike Mengele, a freelance monster exploiting opportunities only the Nazis could give him, and unlike Teller, so openly fronting for the Pentagon, our anonymous scientist would acknowledge his dreadful error, his responsibility.
- They add up to a novel of leaking secrets and amputated thoughts, of wildly comic material sometimes dully, almost dutifully deployed, as if the humour had escaped the teller; of people "missing" each other in dialogue
- This implication was hardly lessened by the evidence of personal hostility between Teller and Oppy which came out at the inquiry.
- Vicars learn from teller of tall tales
- It was also in 1956 that Teller and scientists from the Massachussetts Institute of Technology assembled at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Cap Cod, to solve the problem of firing a nuclear missile from a submerged, and virtually invulnerable, submarine.
- Teller did not succeed in attracting more than a handful of Oppenheimer's brilliant team back to Los Alamos to work on the H-bomb.
- Teller discretion in the matter.
- "I thoroughly disagreed with him on numerous issues," said Teller, "to this extent I would like to see the vital interests of this country in hands which I understand better and therefore trust more."
- Teller was asked by the board.