Перевод: thrift
[существительное] бережливость ; экономность ; хозяйственность ; процветание; достаток ; зажиточность ; армерия [бот.] ; [глагол] экономить
- The public's resentment of thrift operators and their accomplices is showing itself.
- Among the duties which require to be revived, thrift and prudence are pre-eminent; and thrift and prudence can only be taught by men who will associate with the people and thus induce them to face the elementary laws of economy.
- A recent OECD study (2) shows that households also benefited from innovations such as the securitisation of mortgage debt - making mortgages tradeable between lenders, so that the institution which originally lent the money might sell its mortgage claim to another bank or thrift when it needed cash.
- Below: Thrift was one of the surprises which greeted Thomas Johnson when he visited the Devil's Kitchen in 1639.
- A Liverpool naval engineer's daughter was sent on her own each week to her grandmother to collect her weekly sum for the thrift club run by her mother.
- Provident societies, often connected with home buying, had existed since the end of the eighteenth century; in 1872 a Provident Knowledge Society was established "for the promotion of thrift among the lower classes", who were encouraged to contribute to penny banks and post-office savings.
- At one point, the protestants who are involved in violence are rough as opposed to religious, especially if they drink and smoke and do not follow the norms of thrift.
- Ken Neil won the competition on "how many ways to use an egg" and, after a few games of bingo, the 50 members enjoyed browsing around the Thrift Shop which had been opened specially because many cannot get there on a Wednesday morning.
- Thrift is smart in the cash-strapped '90s.
- We can but suppose that he practised the middle-class virtues of Samuel Smiles - those of hard work, thrift and sobriety - and embodied the very quintessence of what we would speak of today as the Protestant Work Ethic.
- PERSONAL debt has more than doubled under the party of thrift and fiscal discipline.
- Getty still embodied the old-fashioned American ethic of thrift.
- The day thrift turned into a nightmare.