Перевод: undertake
[глагол] предпринимать; брать на себя определенные обязательства; браться; ручаться; гарантировать; быть владельцем похоронного бюро
- Three years later, in 1621, the king declared that he would himself undertake the drainage of the Fens for a recompense of 120,000 acres; and in that year, there arrived in England a Dutchman who was destined to become one of the greatest architects of the English landscape.
- Although at the moment it is up to you to decide what form of updating you would like to undertake, it would be useful to look at any developments in your area aimed at your special interest, and to find out from employers what they might expect from you in advance of offering you a job.
- 12.1 The Proprietor when called upon by the Publisher agrees to undertake routine updating revision and correction of the Work after publication and shall from time to time inform the Publisher of corrections and revisions which the Proprietor may consider desirable.
- There is little time within our course for students to experiment with information design in any serious way, but those who also undertake their major undergraduate project in this area frequently become ambitious in experimenting with complex information structures.
- For this she naturally needs as much information as possible, but is always happy to guide families through what is needed, or to undertake research.
- Tender bonds : This provides an importer seeking competitive bids for a contract with a guarantee that an exporter (or contractor) is making a responsible bid and is technically/financially competent to undertake the contract.
- Whether Evans, now 54, and who has suffered serious heart problems, is of an age and whether he has the constitution to undertake such a demanding task is another matter.
- In arranging the facility the company would appoint a lead manager who would undertake at least to:
- In order to investigate the possibility of making savings on committee expenses, SCC was asked to undertake a review of the frequency of Council, board and committee meetings and put forward proposals for the future.
- The pub's owner, however, wished to remove the 19th century facade and undertake a conjectural restoration of the jetted, timber framed front (the design of which included various historically inaccurate details).
- On the other hand, the use of subsidiary operating companies to specialise in different services under the supervision of a more global policy pursued by a parent company may be an attractive and concentrated use of resources for the organisation seeking to undertake diverse, highly expensive projects.
- Replacement of the eroded ragstone facing could have provided a problem were it not for the fact that the builder who was employed to undertake the conversion was dismantling an identically constructed church at Canterbury at the same time and thus it was possible to import salvaged ragstone from the demolition for re-use at All Saints and St Barnabas.
- In establishing a relationship to undertake some form of direct social work, the worker is above all learning to communicate, and to respond accurately to the communications received.