Перевод: uranium
[прилагательное] урановый; [существительное] уран
- Because of the exhaustion of the low-cost reserves, uranium prices seem bound to rise in the course of the first half of the next century (assuming the uranium mining industry is to remain in business), but by how much is anyone's guess.
- Subsequently a Combined Anglo-American Development Trust was established to handle the procurement and allocation of uranium ore.
- Since fast reactors can breed from the depleted uranium in the spent fuel from thermal reactors, it can be calculated that in FBR terms British stocks of depleted uranium are comparable to the country's coal reserves.
- So far uranium dust has been detected in only one machine - the Oxford unit at Churchill Hospital.
- The company fears that uranium dust sealed inside the machine could jam the mechanism that controls the shutters.
- Against this, protected by the sheltering arm of state-owned companies and compliant politicians, the nuclear industry has set its strongest claims - that nothing would undercut power from the miraculous uranium.
- Much of the centre, which has metallurgical equipment capable of working with uranium, was incomplete.
- Uranium, the ultimate source of radon, tends to concentrate in acidic magmas, which form granite, or in shales which form from marine muds.
- It is now estimated that about twenty kilograms of uranium escaped through the pile chimneys, posing a risk even greater than that from the short-lived 1957 accident.
- The proposed rules will require the non-weapons powers to disclose how much uranium they buy.
- The only obvious contenders for the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation were therefore all the various "renewable" sources - such as wind, wave and tidal power - and nuclear, which used uranium ore.
- The US uranium shipment is being arranged by a Washington-based nuclear fuel management company, Edlow Inc.
- Derek Smith, the British businessman imprisoned last month after he tried to sell five and half pounds of uranium to Greece's Nuclear Research Centre, was yesterday set free on bail, writes Helena Smith from Athens.