Перевод: veto
[существительное] вето; право вето; запрещение; [глагол] налагать вето; запрещать
- Any action has to be additional to member states' own policies; it has to take into account the views of the region; it has to be adopted unanimously by the Council, and the European Parliament (EP) can veto it.
- Solicitors feared the judges' veto might result in rules limiting their new rights, but the bill lays down a tight framework which will restrict the room for manoeuvre.
- If the New-York Historical Society wants to deaccession works to pay for operating expenses, legislators who help fund the Society should have some veto power over those sales, particularly if works of art and other objects of local interest threaten to pass from museums into private hands.
- SIR Richard Attenborough, the chairman of Channel 4, yesterday warned he would resign if the Government insisted on a right to veto appointments to the new body which will run the channel.
- Most decisions have required unanimity, thus allowing reluctant members the right of a veto, though a loophole does allow members to pursue a policy without requiring the assent or cooperation of the others.
- Britain has used its veto to block one other: a law that would require any company employing at least 1,000 workers in two or more EC countries to set up consultative works councils.
- Last night Graveney confirmed that he'd made the allegation but was "obviously very disappointed" at the bid to veto him by the Pakistan Board.
- Mrs Thatcher's veto against putting the pound in the ERM has obliged Mr Lawson to set interest rates higher than would have been otherwise necessary to sustain sterling and, some economists think, to beat inflation.
- The decade began with congress passing various bills that sought to cut off funding for the Vietnam War and in 1973 legislators moved on to pass the War Powers Act over president Nixon's veto.
- The latest bombshell to hit the academic world was the government's veto of the "agreed" 6% pay increase for university teachers.
- Most issues were to be decided unanimously, where any one state clearly had a veto, or by a qualified majority of 12 votes from at least four states: this was designed to protect the interests of all states, not just the smaller members.
- Smith added that the board did not subscribe to the view that the authority of Ted Dexter, chairman of the England Committee, and Micky Stewart, the team manager, had been undermined by the veto.
- Democrats in Congress do not want to embarrass the president by forcing him to choose between a veto of their bill and a snub of China - to say nothing of wounding Mr Patten.