Перевод: vote
[существительное] голосование; баллотировка ; голос ; голос на выборах; избирательный голос; право голоса; голоса ; общее число голосов; вотум ; решение; избирательный бюллетень; ассигнования ; кредиты ; избиратель ; [глагол] голосовать; баллотировать; вносить предложение; постановлять большинством голосов; ассигновать; выделять; предлагать; признавать
- In the shire districts, the spectacular advances which enabled Labour to claim more than 50% of the vote in many authorities lend a further twist to the puzzle of why the party has not been able to match consistently good local results in these areas with comparable general election support.
- Here was a long-established bastion of English liberty, older than the vote, yet older people were banished from participation.
- Nearly 5,000 Rolls-Royce workers at Glasgow and Coventry are among 24,000 who will vote on whether to strike, so spearheading the campaign to cut the working week from 39 hours to 35.
- The theme of the day was: A Labour vote is a vote for more recession and a Liberal Democrat vote is a Labour vote in disguise.
- A variable that has three categories (such as three parties' share of the total vote) can be represented on triangular graph paper.
- Five hundred peers turned up to vote, giving the government a majority of 317 votes to 183.
- But the vote in April has fallen due for payment in September.
- Introduce fixed-term Parliament of four years , with a known date for the next election, subject to an earlier election only if the government loses a special "explicit" vote of no confidence.
- They also have a slim but slightly better chance of winning a vote for a referendum.
- There are those who claim that canvassing the votes of the electorate is a waste of time: that they are at least as likely to vote for you if you leave them alone as they are if you go round and bother them at night.
- The idea was that PEPs would encourage individuals to invest in British industry, receive annual reports and be able to vote at the AGMs.
- He said in a letter to his Chester constituents that he would vote for Mrs Thatcher and called on constituency chairmen to ask their MPs how they intended to vote.
- Mr Sweeney said it was decided by a vote that he should be told the meeting wanted him to reconsider his decision.