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  1. HAMMERSMITH and Fulham Council in west London continued to take out options on the London money market even after the intervention of the district auditor, wrongly thinking that it was reducing its holdings, the High Court was told yesterday.
  2. Rightly or wrongly, the investing public, and others, do not see going concern qualifications as purely objective assessments of the distribution of future cash flows designed to aid investors in their portfolio choice.
  3. No brickbats for that, for neither of them did it out of a sense of malice, but merely because they thought it was the right thing to do, and no doubt also because they believed, quite wrongly, that to instil a sense of guilt into me would ultimately be for my good, If I did what they thought was wrong then I was made to feel that someone, usually them, had suffered.
  4. So far, they seem to have feared wrongly: Ebenhausen stays in the good, solid German tradition.
  5. In fact Americans (wrongly) wanted Japan to buy their fighters to narrow America's trade deficit.
  6. Many people wrongly assume that all they have automatically goes to their loved ones.
  7. Feeling judged and treated wrongly.
  8. They declared, rightly, that the very power of the clergy in education was being attacked, and, probably wrongly, that the reform of the faults of the present system was only the apparent reason.
  9. "The plants are sometimes wrongly labelled and boxes of mixed plants have been known to come up all the same colour."
  10. This is because kinship links are strongly morally and socially charged, while those between worker and employer are impersonal, because kinship implies reciprocal rights and duties while the capitalist has all the rights and the worker all the duties, because kinship links cannot be broken at will while those of the labour market can, and because, as Marx and Engels wrongly believed, kinship links are egalitarian and non-exploitative; that is, they do not involve one group of people living on the back of another.
  11. IN OUR June edition we wrongly stated that Sutton Coldfield RFC were bringing a 500,000 civil action against a referee who presided over a game in which the club's colts captain, Ben Smolden, broke his neck.
  12. Keynesianism succeeded in the 1950s and 1960s because it was credited - probably wrongly, as we now think - with bringing about full employment.
  13. As police, he went on, "we sometimes quite wrongly assume the monopoly of good ideas on good community relations and good policing the public have a right to be actively involved in determining how policing is developed".

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