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Перевод: beauty speek beauty

красота ; прелесть ; красавица ; краса


  1. Its full spacial beauty becomes evident when the leading edge is vertical and the remote edge is horizontal.
  2. Hardly surprising, since she'd played it non-stop since her Lucy dream, wept to it, soaked it in until it was her heartbeat, floated on the cloud of its beauty all through the Lucyless days.
  3. It was well over a half mile long, consisting of 2 military bands; more than 100 mounted men; well over 100 armed retainers on foot; 50 Irvine archers in Lincoln green outfits; the Duke of Atholl with a company of his Atholl Highlanders; several open carriages; trumpeters; a jester on a mule; Lord Eglinton as Lord of the Tournament; Lady Jane Seymour as the Queen of Beauty; and the 13 competing knights.
  4. Aerial ULV sprays will be most suitable when a pest has to be controlled over vast areas at the same time; in the control of tsetse fly, for example, and in forests, to control pine beauty moth in Scotland.
  5. Perhaps more than any other group of molluscs the gastropods are remarkable for the variety and beauty of the external sculpture on the shell, which may be covered with a delicate tracery of ribs and lines, or stout spines, or fine prickles.
  6. And it was here that he met Marianne, a young woman of great beauty, high intelligence, deep sympathy, and fun.
  7. Above The vulnerable beauty of Killary harbour: "It only takes one fool to drop a barrel of chemicals," Peter Mantle says, "and we're all wiped out."
  8. Most of us would pay lip service to the message of chapter 3, that the clue to true beauty is to be found in personality and character.
  9. Art is not, as the metaphysicians say, the manifestation of some Idea of beauty or God; it is not, as the aesthetic physiologists say, a game in which man lets off his excess of stored-up energy; it is not the expression of man's emotions by external signs; it is not the production of pleasing objects; and, above all, it is not pleasure but it is a means of union among men joining them together in the same feelings, and indispensable for the life and progress towards wellbeing of individuals and humanity.
  10. Arguably, cycling is one of the best ways of really appreciating the beauty of Austria.
  11. Each instrument becomes a device to transform the truth and beauty into the vibrations that find their response in the heart.
  12. But if, as Longinus thinks, the sublime, being the highest excellence that human composition can attain to, abundantly compensates the absence of every other beauty, and atones for all other deficiencies, then Michelangelo demands the preference.
  13. It is raining and he is hostile but beauty always moves the goal-posts; no sooner has he said, "Go away.

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