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Перевод: bid speek bid

два раза в день;
предложение цены; заявка ; предлагаемая цена; претензия ; домогательство; объявление масти; объявление количества взяток;
предлагать цену; приказывать; просить; приглашать; объявить масть; объявить количество взяток


  1. Had Stanley really meant the gesture as a bid?
  2. In contrast to the Merger Regulation, that only subjects to EC scrutiny mergers having what is known as a "Community dimension, and exceeding a certain threshold, the proposed Directive will apply to any general bid for the shares of any public company in a member state, regardless of the origin of the bid.
  3. It should be amended "to allow the Independent Television Commission the new regulatory body to judge the quality of programmes and the size of the cash bid in tandem".
  4. Joseph replied with a renewed bid, this time of 43 million, Watney's came back again with 47 million, and so the battle swayed from one side to the other for eight weeks.
  5. However, it seems almost certain that Mr Sherwood and his team will reject the bid, which he has described as "inadequate".
  6. A takeover bid must be accepted within a certain period of time, namely not less than four weeks but not more than ten weeks from the date of when the offer document is made public.
  7. That would certainly suit the Jaguar management's book and has less potential for political embarrassment than an unruly hostile bid.
  8. Shares in the food and drinks conglomerate surged by 8 per cent in a week as speculation about a bid gathered momentum.
  9. He is extremely critical of the recent takeover bid by Australia's largest company, BHP for the US Coal Group, Utah.
  10. It is therefore in the interests of bureaucrats to go for increased staffing levels as a means of constructing such coalitions, and the implications of this clearly point to increased waste and inefficiency, since, having bid for a maximum budget, within that budget, instead of adopting the most efficient form of production and delivery of services, "bureaucrats" can be expected to choose the most labour-intensive.
  11. Kingfisher yesterday tried to counter the view that its 120p-a-share bid for Dixons is only a sighting shot.
  12. And after designing 72 issues of Zzap! 64 I bid you all fond farewell and big hello to Commodore Force !
  13. Fenner, the Hull-based power transmission engineer, bought the stake when the original bid was announced and had offered to act as white knight to Armstrong and to distribute their fasteners through its own international network.

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