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Перевод: legible speek legible

разборчивый; четкий


  1. The doctor can also help by writing comprehensive and legible medical notes.
  2. Begin to produce clear and legible joined-up writing.
  3. reproduction should be immaculate and totally legible throughout
  4. Produce clear and legible handwriting in both printed and cursive styles.
  5. The earlier text thus revealed can be made more legible by a program that enhances the contrast, picking out the Gothic letters from the surrounding gloom.
  6. It will help all of them if the learning materials that they use are clearly presented and legible.
  7. (vi) Pupils should have opportunities to develop a comfortable, flowing and legible joined-up style of handwriting.
  8. Even so, escape sequences are only barely legible.
  9. The climber is centre-frame, his offending bolts invisible, but in one corner and easily legible is a mess of graffiti!
  10. But, the notebook says in legible writing, oaf was being investigated by the Microbiological Research Establishment at Porton Down.
  11. Nevertheless, fluent and legible handwriting continues to be important, so the one secretarial attainment target that we propose from level 5 onwards is called presentation and includes both spelling and handwriting.
  12. I also feel that the memory display is an area which has not yet been addressed properly; this is critical information and the readout should be instantly legible.
  13. Not quite all is legible:

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