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Перевод: provisional speek provisional

временный; условный; относящийся к экстремистской группе 'временные'


  1. The new Regulations define a transitional period of 2 October 1992 to 31 December 1998 (coinciding with the introduction of corporation tax Pay and File due in 1993), during which provisional repayments in respect of accounting periods ending before 1 January 1999 are to be reduced by a prescribed percentage.
  2. COPLESTON: As we are going to discuss the existence of God, it might perhaps be as well to come to some provisional agreement as to what we understand by the term "God".
  3. On Saturday, November 2, the sanctuary of hospital was defiled by the Provisional IRA.
  4. Piatakov, a Ukrainian, now argued that, following Lenin's April theses, prepared on his return to Russia, which rejected the existing party policy of supporting the provisional government and set the Party on the road to the seizure of power, socialism was on the immediate agenda, not the establishment of a bourgeois republic.
  5. Housing will receive an 11 per cent increase in funding (36 million), and provisional net allocations for council housing will increase by 25 million, or 15 per cent.
  6. Provisional dealings in the shares start at 2.30pm tomorrow, and unconditional dealings on April 15.
  7. These dealt with vegetation, including a provisional checklist (Currie, 1979), machair vegetation (Dickinson Randall, 1979), peatland vegetation (Goode Lindsay 1979) and macrophytic vegetation of fresh and brackish waters (Spence, Allen Fraser, 1979).
  8. Despite the apparent decisiveness of Adenauer's foreign policy, therefore, some have argued that there lay a fundamental ambivalence at the bottom of it, symbolised by the choice of his home town, Bonn, as the new capital: it represented Western orientation all right but, at the same time, it was very obviously only a provisional arrangement.
  9. The resolution, which had been given provisional approval on Tuesday night, declared the Congress's support for fundamental economic reform and pledged there would not be a return to the Communist administrative-command system.
  10. Every strand of political opinion in Ireland, North and South, with the exception of the Provisional IRA, accepts that any change in the present set-up will require majority support in both parts of the island.
  11. The distinct importance of the two sources appears in the way in which state and society in the republic treat the provisional movement.
  12. The provisional movement is divided on the issue of capitalism but, for the time at least, has an openly declared policy of achieving an island-wide socialist republic by the combined means of violence and the democratic process.
  13. The Congress, at this time under the control of the Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, rejected the demand, and Kerensky, on behalf of the provisional Government, affirmed the right of the central government to veto any secessionist proposals.

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